Supply chain screening. Keeping your goods moving with the highest aviation security standards.
You rely on air transport to get your shipments delivered fast. Making sure your supply chain is secure is essential in avoiding costly delays due to screening or insufficient documentation.
Transport Canada along with the air cargo industry have hit the mark by:
- the development of ACS (air cargo security) program that meets the highest standard
- reducing risks to the safety and security of the traveling public; and
- keeping our goods moving in and out of Canada efficiently.
The ACS Program is one of many Aviation Security activities (e.g. baggage screening, non-passenger screening, and airport access control) being put in place to mitigate risks to civil aviation.
Strengthening Canadian air cargo security and making it comparable to the air cargo security practices of the United States and other key trading partners will help our economy and position Canada as a strong partner in global efforts against terrorism.
U1 Logistics received approval February 2014 to participate in the Air Cargo Security Program / Transport Canada Aviation Security. Allowing for more secure and faster processing of our air shipments both domestically and internationally.